The Davenport Collection
- a growing resource on magic and entertainment history

Demon glass commissioned by John and Anne Davenport

In 1982 John and Anne had seven glasses engraved with a demon’s head, based on one of the Davenport demon trademarks. They were to give to people who had been particularly helpful with our researches into the story of the Davenport family. We kept one glass and the others went to Harry Carson, Frank Lane, Peter Lane, Billy McComb, Richard Stupple and Peter Warlock. On the bottom of each glass is engraved ‘CJF Gould 82 Cambs’. CJF Gould was a glass engraver who lived in Fen Ditton near Cambridge.

Item Details

Size Height 95mm
Date 1982
People , , , , , , ,
Key Phrases
Ref no N209