The Davenport Collection
- a growing resource on magic and entertainment history

Wooden box containing a collection of mainly Egyptian Hall items

We don’t know who collected the items in this box, nor when they became part of the Davenport Collection. By the late 20th century there were no magic related items inside the box; such items may well have been sold long before. Anyone interested in viewing all the items that remained can do so by clicking on View Details and then the Key Phrase ‘Wooden box items’. The box also contained old newspaper pages (dated 1899 or 1900) which appear to have been used as dividers for the box contents. These notes tell us that at one time the box may have contained items on theatrical shows, menageries, fantoccini, marionettes, monstrosities and curious exhibitions.

Item Details

Size 540 x 345 x 145mm
Date Contents were dated 1820s and later.
Key Phrases , , ,
Ref no N2009 Ep.EH62