The Davenport Family would like to record our grateful thanks for the honour of being selected by the Magic Castle ...
According to the card, the invitation is to a meeting 'to discuss matters of great importance to all Concert ...
Henry Bate, David Devant's illusion builder, charged him for work on the Barrel Illusion which Bate had to ship to ...
This is an interesting article based on an interview with Dr Lynn at Bloomsbury Hall, London.
This flier advertises "The New" and "The Wonderful" by Professor Pepper and T.W. Tobin.
At the bottom of the flier are the words: 'In preparation, and will be produced in a few days.' People mentioned ...
This is a reproduction of a Polytechnic handbill for Pepper's Ghost Christmas Show in 1889. The inside of the card ...
The letters illustrated here record that Maskelynes' Entertainment Agency booked Nikola for a show at Holborn ...
The cover announces De Biere's stay at the Maskelyne Theatre of Mystery (St. George's Hall) for eight weeks from ...
This ticket admits two people to the evening show on 5 December 1878 in the Drawing-Room. It is signed R. Howard ...
Although the name of the newspaper is not included on the clip, there is a quotation from it in the programme ...
This is a ticket for Professor Herrmann's First Complimentary Benefit at the Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly on Tuesday ...