The Davenport Collection
- a growing resource on magic and entertainment history

The Tyrolese Minstrels at the Egyptian Hall in 1827, and the St. James’s Theatre in 1851

The more detailed of the two prints is linked with their performances in 1851. It is said to be from ‘The Illustrated London News’, 6 December 1851. The simpler print is from an unknown newspaper but the adjacent cutting is hand dated 1827. The Tyrolese Minstrels toured widely and were well respected. This is one of the items contained in a wooden box of 19th century ephemera, mainly relating to the Egyptian Hall. To view all the items from the box, click on View Details and then the Key Phrase ‘Wooden box items’.

Item Details

Year ,
Date 1827 and 1851
Theatre ,
Acts The Tyrolese Minstrels
Key Phrases , ,
Ref no N1998 Ep.EH52