The Davenport Collection
- a growing resource on magic and entertainment history

Programme for Maskelyne’s show at the Egyptian Hall, 28th consecutive year

Hand dated 20 April 1901. The bill includes the sketch ‘The Entranced Fakir’, the first performance of which was on 6 April 1901, according to the book on the Maskelynes at the Hall by George Jenness. The date must therefore be no earlier than this, consistent with the hand written date on the programme. It was in ‘The Entranced Fakir’ that Maskelyne first showed his latest, world beating, levitation. Valadon was also on the bill and Animated Photographs were shown, ‘Projected by a New Apparatus, the invention of Mr. Nevil Maskelyne’. On page 3 of the programme Maskelyne has an article making it clear why he is so annoyed by people who try to imitate his illusions, particularly mentioning his Box Trick and Levitation Mystery. [In his page 3 article JN rather exposes the Aga levitation.]

Item Details

Size 4 pages 220 x 290mm.
Date 20 April 1901
People ,
Acts Herr Valadon; Animated Photographs with the Mechanical Orchestra; the sketch 'The Enchanted Fakir'.
Ref no N2108 Pr.EH131