The Davenport Collection
- a growing resource on magic and entertainment history

Oswald Williams’ Mouse Trap cod invention

This crazy invention is a triumph of entertainment and design. The performer explains in a very visual, amusing way, how the contraption should be used to catch a mouse. The original patter by Oswald Williams is also in the collection. The apparatus has been designed so that it fits compactly into its travelling case which has the initials O. W. on it. The photographs show how it opens out to its full length. Inside the opening of the travelling case are Oswald Williams’ contact details: Oswald Williams, 510 Clive Court, Maida Vale, London W. 9. Phone Cunningham 2420.

Item Details

Size Canvas and leather carrying case 185 x 145 x 890mm.
Date Circa 1920s
Key Phrases
Ref no N234