The Davenport Collection
- a growing resource on magic and entertainment history

Maskelyne and Cooke’s Mysteries Provincial Tour List 1903-1904, with a separate page of financial details covering all weeks

These two items were stored together by Maskelynes, with a brass paper fastener attaching them by the top left corner. This explains the holes in the top left corners. The information gives the tour venues and confirms that the show usually spent a week at each venue. The financial summary gives a breakdown of costs for each venue and the average receipts and expenses for the whole tour. The tour usually followed the pre-printed tour dates and venues, but there were exceptions. The images included here show both sides of the Tour List and the single-sided financial summary.

Item Details

Size The pre-printed Tour List is 4 pages of card, each page 75 x 115mm. The financial summary is single-sided 405 x 320mm.
Year ,
Date 1903-1904
Key Phrases
Ref no N2602 Ep.MiscM29