The Davenport Collection
- a growing resource on magic and entertainment history

Dr Lynn

Davenport Collection website e-news #19, September 2023

Davenport Collection website e-news #19, September 2023

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E-newsletters like this one are sent out four times a year, highlighting recent additions to the website. If you’d like to be added to the mailing list, please contact the curator. The September 2023 issue included:
– Newsreel of the 1938 British Ring Convention.
– Radio dice box.
– The Great Modern Psuedourgos Dr Lynn.
– Is it just a puzzle or an entertaining trick?
– The Oswald Williams Noah’s Ark Illusion – now also on film.
– And have you seen . . . Eddie Dawes in his own words.
To see all the other e-news, click on Website e-news.

Newspaper advertisement for Dr Lynn

Newspaper advertisement for Dr Lynn

This is a good example of the popular style of advertisement in which the performer’s name – in this case Dr Lynn – is featured many times. The same style was used by Maskelyne and Cooke at the Egyptian Hall, for example see N1476.

Programme for Dr Lynn at the Egyptian Hall

Programme for Dr Lynn at the Egyptian Hall

The venue is the Egyptian Large Hall. The programme details differ in two ways from programme N3159. In N3159 the venue is given as Egyptian Hall which is printed in a different type face. The second difference is that in N3158, at the bottom of page 4, Russell Court is incorrectly spelled as Russel Court.

Programme for Dr Lynn at the Egyptian Hall

Programme for Dr Lynn at the Egyptian Hall

The venue is the Egyptian Large Hall. There is a Times article on the cover dated 26 November 1874. This means the programme cannot be earlier than late 1874. At first sight this programme appears to be a duplicate of N3157. However the Times article on the cover is different and this programme includes mention of the Misses Gerbaldi at the bottom of page 3. N3157 does not include this.

Programme for Dr H.S. Lynn at the Egyptian Hall

Programme for Dr H.S. Lynn at the Egyptian Hall

The venue is the Egyptian Large Hall. The cover announces a change of programme to include Japanese and Chinese Marvels. The probable date for the programme is 1874, because the first of the press opinions on page 4 is from The Times of 12 August, which the newspaper archive confirms is 1874.

Programme for Dr Lynn at the Egyptian Hall

Programme for Dr Lynn at the Egyptian Hall

Unfortunately only pages 3 and 4 of this programme survived. At some point in the past the programme was torn down the middle and pages 1 and 2 were lost. Nevertheless, the details of Part II of Dr Lynn’s programme are visible and we are told that his book How it’s done (see N3149) is available from the attendant.