The Davenport Collection
- a growing resource on magic and entertainment history

Print of a locomotive drawn by J.N. Maskelyne (Jack Maskelyne)

J.N. (“Jack”) Maskelyne was the eldest of Nevil Maskelyne’s five children. He was not interested in joining the family magic business. He was a railway enthusiast and became well known for his knowledge of locomotives. This print is of the locomotive Claud Hamilton, which Jack lovingly describes on pages 108-109 of his book ‘Locomotives I Have Known’ published by Percival Marshall in 1959. The Davenport Collection also contains a copy of the book signed by J.N. Maskelyne in 1960.

Item Details

Size 695 x 210mm
Date The book and drawing are copyright 1959.
Key Phrases ,
Ref no N1954 Ep.MiscM10