The Davenport Collection
- a growing resource on magic and entertainment history

London Coliseum programme, 7 November 1927

Clive Maskelyne is on the bill presenting a selection of Maskelyne’s Mysteries. The second illustration is a composite which gives the complete bill.

Item Details

Size 12 pages, 135mm x 205mm
Date 7 November 1927
People , , , , , , , , , , ,
Acts Mlle. Dalmere; Fred Lake; Clive Maskelyne; The Jovers; Norman Long; Sidney Tracey and Bessie Hay; Wilma Berkeley; Joe Termini; Heather Thatcher and Hugh Wakefield; Ben Blue and his Band; 'Fortune of Faces' No. 5; Cinema impressions of recent news
Ref no N1723 Pr.MiscM2