The Davenport Collection
- a growing resource on magic and entertainment history

Lewis Davenport postcard sent to Hardeen on 8 May 1907

The postcard shows Lewis with painted-in red thimbles on his hands. The message side of the card (also illustrated) is addressed to ‘Mr Hardeen, Palace Music Hall, Walthamstow, London’. The message reads ‘This week Grand Bolton. Dear Sir, If you have a photo P.C. [post card] of yourself to spare I should be pleased to receive one for my album. Sincerely yours, L Davenport’. The rather faint writing below the photograph of Lewis reads ‘From Lewis Davenport. Dealer & maker of magical apparatus. 30, Riles Rd, Plaistow, E. Send stamp for list of tricks & books’.

Item Details

Size 90 x 140mm
Date Dated 8 May 1907
Theatre ,
People ,
Key Phrases ,
Ref no N2907 Ep.Dav58