The Davenport Collection
- a growing resource on magic and entertainment history

Alhambra, Paris. 1912

The bill includes La Fenetre de la Maison Hantée (The Window of the Haunted House) invented by Maskelyne and Devant.

Item Details

Size 605mm x 760mm
Date 16 November 1912
People , , , , , , , , , ,
Acts La Fenetre de la Maison Hantée, Le "General" Ed. Lavine, La Famille Kremo, Nino et Nina, Scali et Scali, The Novelty Clintons, The Quaint Q's, Le Cheval Geant, Vera Nixon, Cinema, The Egbert Bros., Les Dorinos, Horton et La Triska, Pelissier
Ref no N1356 S131