The Davenport Collection
- a growing resource on magic and entertainment history

Advertisement from Devant for the sale of seats in Maskelyne’s Grand Stand for the 1897 Diamond Jubilee

Devant explains that a member of the Ladies’ Grand Council has suggested that members might like to purchase a block of seats on Mr. Maskelyne’s Grand Pavilion to view the procession for Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee. Along the bottom of the item is an unrelated piece illustrating Devant producing a rabbit on ‘animated photograph’ film. It explains how animated photographs work and acts as an advertisement for Devant’s exhibitions. See Devant and early cinema for similar items.

Item Details

Size This looks like a poor quality proof copy on thin paper, the area of print being 185 x 135mm.
Date Dated 26 May 1897.
Key Phrases ,
Ref no N2084 Ep.MiscM14