The padlock comes with two keys. Whenever a spectator tries to open the lock, neither key works. When the magician ...
This type of fold became popular around the end of the 20th century. It is particularly suited to maps because it ...
This is an excellent scientific novelty which causes amazement when people see it for the first time, irrespective ...
This plastic painted concave head of Vincent Van Gogh appears to follow you around as you view it from different ...
This show was part of the Davenport family's celebration of 100 years in magic. The bill included Roy Davenport.
This show was part of the Davenport family's celebration of 100 years in magic. The bill included Roy Davenport.
After winding the yellow key on the left, when a coin is placed in the bowl on the right and the button is ...
This is an amazing illusion in which, as you walk around a room looking at the dragon, it turns its head so that ...
This book has itself an interesting design feature. The book was the catalogue for a touring exhibition from The ...
The Davenport Centenary Celebration in Brighton in 1998 was quite an occasion. This file contains a small fraction ...
All attendees were given a box like this, although the contents might vary between boxes. The contents all related ...
This book is full of pre-punched cardboard pages, printed in colour, from which the box shapes can be pressed out ...