This box allows you to show it as empty, or full of cigarettes, or indeed any other object that fits. The box, and ...
Novelty cigarette boxes
This box allows you to show it as empty, or full of cigarettes, or indeed any other object that fits. The box, and ...
Fill this box up with cigarettes and when you want to offer one to a friend, simply press the small metal knob and ...
This box allows you to show it as empty, or full of cigarettes, or indeed any other object that fits. The box, and ...
The cigarette box is first shown empty, and when reopened cigarettes have magically appeared. This box has no ...
The clockwork music box is activated when the hinged lid is opened to reveal the cigarettes.
When the top roller blind is opened to reveal the cigarettes on the top layer, the lower drawer automatically ...
Made in Japan. Each time the lid of the wooden box is opened, a painted sailor pops up holding a cigarette.
Made in Japan. Each time the lid of the wooden box is opened, a bird emerges holding a cigarette in its beak.
When the roll top lid is opened a small figure rises up holding a cigarette. Cigarettes are loaded into a ...
Each time the top of the box is rolled open, a cigarette comes out of the lower draw and is held in place in the ...
When the roll top lid of this box is opened three cigarettes appear from the front of the box. The cigarettes can ...