This is an appealing pop-up card made by Devine Cards. It is a good example of the impact that can obtained by ...
Novelties, Toys, Games & Jokes
Sometimes toys and games can also be considered as puzzles. If you are interested in these, also try searching the Puzzles section.
The Magic Circle in London moved into their new headquarters at 12 Stephenson Way in 1998. Prior to the move, ...
The large pieces of the jigsaw contain information on magic history and magic tricks. They are used to play a ...
This could be presented either as a puzzling trick, or simply as a novelty. At first glance the rod has three ...
The small booklet that comes with this gives advice on reading palms and explains how the hand can magically ...
In 2023 the UK supermarket chain Waitrose was selling this duck/rabbit ambiguous figure made in chocolate. The ...
This box allows you to show it as empty, or full of cigarettes, or indeed any other object that fits. The box, and ...
This does not look like packaging used by Davenports for their Demon Series. As it says on the container: 'It ...
When the pistol is fired the barrel breaks up and droops in a most absurd way. Note that a Davenport demon head ...
When the pistol is fired the barrel breaks up and droops in a most absurd way. Note that a Davenport demon head is ...
Although this is just a gag, it can be used in many ways, including having some fun with a magic tricks. For ...
Despite the name, this is really a novelty. There is a small magnet in the top of each bottle, and one bottle has ...