The Davenport Collection
- a growing resource on magic and entertainment history

Photographs of Davenports shop at 71 Charing Cross Road

This shop was opened in the West End of London in 1935, as an outpost of Davenports’ main shop at 15 New Oxford Street. It was managed by Gus Davenport. It had L. Davenport & Co on the frontage, but Davenports also referred to it as Maskelyne’s Mysteries. The Maskelyne name was well known to the public, and the family had recently purchased the rights to it, along with the assets of Maskelyne’s Ltd.
The new shop lasted only nine months. When its closure was announced in the Demon Telegraph there was a cartoon of Gus (also illustrated here) titled Moving Day. It showed Gus pushing a trolley full of Marvellous Mysteries, Scintillating Stunts and Gorgeous Gags.

Item Details

Size Various prints are in the collection, including photographs of size 360 x 290mm stuck onto thick card.
Date Probably 1935, but certainly some time between August 1935 and April 1936.
Key Phrases
Ref no N2855 Ep.Dav49