The Davenport Collection
- a growing resource on magic and entertainment history

Maskelyne and Cooke programme for the Egyptian Hall, 21st consecutive year

The 21st consecutive year is 1893-1894. According to the book on the Egyptian Hall by George Jenness, the first production of ‘The Artist’s Dream’ was in September 1893, so this programme cannot be earlier.

Item Details

Size 4 pages, 130 x 210mm.
Date 21st consecutive year, but no earlier than September 1893.
People , ,
Acts The sketch 'The Bloomsbury Proper-ganders of Spiritualism'; Mr. David Devant; 'The Artist's Dream'; Mr. M.B. Spurr; Mr. F. Cramer on Metzler's Organo Piano; the sketch 'Mrs. Daffodil Downy's Light and Dark Seance'.
Ref no N2048 Pr.EH100