The Davenport Collection
- a growing resource on magic and entertainment history

Lewis Davenport’s tiny Stanhope Lens

Lewis Davenport had this miniature lens produced showing a publicity postcard drawn in 1930 by George Cooke (who was not the Cooke of Maskelyne and Cooke). The miniature lens fitted into a ring and would have served as a novelty give away. When held very close to the eye, and looking through the lens towards a bright light, the image becomes visible. Details of Stanhope lenses can be found on the web. It is very hard to obtain a photograph of what is seen when you look through the lens. We wish to thank Ken Scott for the very clear image which is illustrated here.

Item Details

Size The lens is 7mm long.
Date 1930s.
People ,
Key Phrases ,
Category ,
Ref no N2549