The Davenport Collection
- a growing resource on magic and entertainment history

Klawvana Flying Butterfly

The butterfly is powered by a rubber band. Once wound up, the butterfly is placed in a folded piece of card inside an envelope. As soon as an unsuspecting person removes the card, the butterfly flies out creating quite a surprise. Made by Klawvana, England. The company was run by Jack Klaw, who also traded under Novelties Unlimited. This butterfly was one of six designs sold under the name Klawvana Flying Butterflies. I have Philip Treece to thank for permission to include illustrations of the packaging and some other designs from his collection. Philip’s excellent blog contains an article on Jack Klaw and his products.

Item Details

Size Wingspan 85mm.
Date Mid 20th century.
Organisations ,
Key Phrases
Ref no N3242