The Davenport Collection
- a growing resource on magic and entertainment history

Film of the Cardinis visiting London Zoo with the Davenports

This late 1930s visit to London Zoo allows us to see Cardini in relaxed mode, as well as allowing us to appreciate how much zoos have changed over the years. Rides on elephants or in llama carts were very popular as was the recently opened penguin pool. The pool, designed in modernist style by Berthold Lubetkin and completed in 1934, became a well-known feature at the zoo.

Walking along with the llama cart is Eve Davenport, Gilly’s wife, with young Betty and Jean Davenport having a ride in the back of the cart.

Item Details

Size 16mm, black and white, no sound. 1min 28sec.
Date 1930s
People ,
Ref no N2925 Film14