The show played various dates around the UK in 2021 and 2022. The show featured four magicians from The Magic Circle: Megan Swann, Danny Lee Grew, Dean Leavy and either Scott Penrose or Lance Corporal Richard Jones. Scott had recently located and renovated an early copy of Psycho and this was featured in his act. John Davenport caught the show when it appeared at The Commemoration Hall in Huntingdon on 23 October 2021.
Item Details
Size | Size of banner is 0.8 x 2.0m. |
Year | 2021, 2022 |
Date | Various dates in 2021 and 2022. |
Theatre | Commemoration Hall (Huntingdon) |
People | Danny Lee Grew, Dean Leavy, Megan Swann, Scott Penrose |
Acts | Megan Swann, Danny Lee Grew, Dean Leavy, Scott Penrose |
Category | Posters & Showcards |
Ref no | N2795 S167 |