The Davenport Collection
- a growing resource on magic and entertainment history

Alhambra, Leicester Square, London programme card, 21 April 1924

The bill includes Lewis Davenport.

Item Details

Size Folded card, 4 pages, 70mm x 155mm
Date 21 April 1924
People , , , , , , ,
Acts The Band of the 4/8th Punjab Regt., Indian Army; The Pipers and Drummers of 2/10th Baluch Regt., Indian Army; Harry Weldon; Billy Leonard; Seiko and Takata; Lewis Davenport; Pictorial topics on the screen; Elsie Bower and Billy Rutherford; Mario Lorenzi; W.S. Percy; Ben Osborne and Nellie Perryer
Ref no N1555 Pr.Dav2