The Davenport Collection
- a growing resource on magic and entertainment history

A touring programme for Maskelyne and Cooke from England’s Home of Mystery, Egyptian Hall, London

This programme belongs to Maskelyne and Cooke’s 1886 tour. At the time of this tour Charles Bertram was presenting Buatier de Kolta’s Vanishing Lady (L’Escamotage en Personne Vivante) at the Egyptian Hall in London. Note that in this programme the Vanishing Lady is presented by Nevil Maskelyne.

Item Details

Size 4 pages, 210mm x 265mm
Date Probably sometime on tour in October - mid-December 1886.
People , ,
Acts Mr. Charles Mellon; Zoe; Mr. J.N. Maskelyne with Plate Dancing; 'Elexir Vitæ' sketch; Mr Nevil Maskelyne; Mr. H Verne; Mechanical and Automatic Orchestra; 'Mrs. Daffodil Downy's Light and Dark Seance!' sketch
Ref no N1725 Pr.MiscM3